Can You Re-Roof in Cold Weather? Expert Advice on Roofing in Cold Climates

Yes, asphalt shingles can still be installed correctly in cold climates, provided that some major changes are made to common practices. If the temperature drops below freezing, frost, ice and snow become an important safety factor on the roof. However, while not ideal, roof construction and repair can be done in cold climates, provided that climate-related precautions are strictly observed. The temperature too cold for roofing is 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Most roofing companies will tell you that they don't install roofs below 40 degrees.

This is because asphalt shingles tend to crack below that temperature. Sometimes the roof needs to be replaced now and you can't wait for warmer temperatures to arrive. If the roof of your house is far from charming, but the weather outside is dreadful, don't worry. An experienced roofing contractor will work with you to install your roof and protect your home as soon as possible. If you call and talk to roofing contractors, some may tell you that it's never OK to replace a roof in winter or when temperatures fall below freezing.

They may mumble that the adhesives don't seal properly or claim that the sealant doesn't work in extreme cold conditions. If you're like most homeowners in the U. S., you may be wondering if it's really possible to re-roof in cold weather. The answer is yes! Asphalt shingles contain a strip of sealant (also called adhesive or glue) that interacts with the warm temperatures that normally occur during summer, late spring and fall, resulting in an automatic seal. The sealant must seal on its own due to a combination of heat and pressure.

Shingles also stick in to keep them from curling up. However, in cold temperatures, roofing equipment must hand seal each tile to ensure that the sealant adheres properly. In other words, they cannot rely on the natural heat of the sun to activate the seal. As an experienced roofing professional knows, hand sealing takes a little longer, but ensures that each and every one of them is sealed. It's also important to consider why it's so important to work with a roofing contractor that only uses experienced roofing professionals.

An expert team knows when it is necessary to seal a roof by hand and makes sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and guidelines for sealants and temperatures. While you might be tempted to take advantage of a lower price, remember that reputable roofing companies stay busy for a reason: they offer high-quality jobs that will last for decades. If you need to replace your roof now and can't wait until summer, be sure to work with a company that takes the time to hand-seal each and every tile. And if you're worried about how long your roof will last, you should only work with a roofing company with a lot of experience that supports your work. While it may require a few extra steps, roofing in winter can be done safely. The quality of the installation can be as good as in hot climates with the right preparation.

Using the right tools and safety equipment will make any job easier, but it's even more important in winter conditions. Read on for specific advice on roofing in cold climates. Roofing companies are used to installing roofs during the winter months, especially in colder climates, where temperatures tend to fall below freezing. When it comes to re-roofing during cold weather conditions, there are several things you should keep in mind:

  • Make sure your contractor has experience working in cold climates.
  • Ensure that all safety precautions are taken into account.
  • Check that all materials used are suitable for cold weather conditions.
  • Make sure all shingles are hand sealed.
It's important to remember that while re-roofing during cold weather is possible, it's not ideal. It's best to wait until warmer temperatures arrive before replacing your roof if possible.

However, if you need to replace your roof now and can't wait until summer arrives, make sure you hire an experienced contractor who knows how to properly install asphalt shingles in cold climates.