Can You Replace a Roof in the Winter?

It is entirely possible to replace a roof during the winter months, even if the weather outside is dreadful. When a leak or major roof damage is discovered, it is recommended to replace the roof as soon as possible to minimize the risk of further damage. An experienced roofing contractor will work with you to install your roof and protect your home. Some roofing contractors may tell you that it's never OK to replace a roof in winter or when temperatures fall below freezing, but this is not true.

Shingles contain a strip of sealant (also called adhesive or glue) that interacts with the warm temperatures that normally occur during summer, late spring and fall, resulting in an automatic seal. In cold temperatures, roofing equipment must hand seal each tile to ensure that the sealant adheres properly. This takes a little longer, but ensures that each and every one of them is sealed. It's also important to consider why it's so important to work with a roofing contractor that only uses experienced roofing professionals.

When it comes to replacing a roof in winter, most experts generally agree that it's not a good idea to repair or replace a roof when the temperature drops below 40°F. A temperature that is too cold can affect the final outcome of your roof improvement project. However, if you have a leaky roof during the winter and need a complete replacement, it is possible to replace a roof in winter. Professional roofing contractors use numerous techniques to ensure that your new roof is not affected by low temperatures.

When done correctly and by experienced roofing contractors, it can be successfully roofed in winter. Despite the few obstacles involved in installing roofs in winter, winter is still a perfectly acceptable time to replace the roof and, as mentioned above, the best deals are usually offered when the roofing business slows down. To properly seal them in place, professional roofing contractors often choose to seal by hand with specially formulated adhesives or asphalt roofing cement. At the end of the day, you should have no problem installing your new roof in winter, as long as you hire an excellent roofing contractor. Smart homeowners inspect roofs during the fall to see if there are any problems that need to be fixed and to ensure that their roof can withstand inclement weather during the winter.

Emergency repair for floods and water damage in the basement, emergency roof repair service, emergency plumbing repair, damage to houses with fallen trees, installation of new roofs, repair and installation of cladding, restoration of smoke and fire, repair of storm damage, repair of water and ice dams are all services offered by experienced roofing contractors. When your roof is weak from years of use or isn't properly designed to withstand excessive snow loads, your roof is at risk of collapsing. That's why it's important to hire a reputable roofing contractor who can recognize if cold weather will affect the quality of the roof replacement. Roof activity can also break the shingles' sealant bond, so be prepared to hand seal shingles that are coming off the roof.